Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Canyon State Academy in Queen Creek Arizona wanted a NEW look to their old gym floor. They choose Arizona Gym Floors from all the competitors because we could meet their tight time schedule and offer them the STAINED gym floor the wanted. After pouring over several design layouts provided by Arizona Gym floors the choose they final product above.

Thursday, August 30, 2012

Longview Recreation Center, Phoenix, Arizona choose Arizona Gym Floors to provide their New Gym Floor.

After researching the Gym Floor options, the City of Phoenix Parks and Recreation decided on the Arizona Gym Floors Scissor-Loc Air Flow system. Aacer ScissorLoc's criss-cross solid wood sub floor creates a dimensionally stable system with excellent natural ventilation
capabilities. The option of the PowerVent™Airflow system adds a feature which will
detect moisture and start drying the system with mechanical Air Flow.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

New Blog Posts Coming Soon!!!

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